How I Like Les Savy Fav: The Playlist
The ultimate post-hardcore party band is back with their first album in over a decade. So I made a wee mix of past classics.
Don Henley's Actual Miles vs. Duran Duran's Decade: Which Is Better?
A track-by-track battle between the 80s best-ofs of two early MTV mainstays. Boomers vs Generation X in the World Series of Love!
Blurbing For The Weekend 5/3/24
Yet more blurbs about yet more thrillers from a variety of streaming services...including Criterion!
Blurbing For The Weekend 4/26/24
Considering the latest thriller starring Polka-Dot Man, and then celebrating the greatest.
Silly List Slogs: My Top 300 Albums Of All Time (3rd Edition)
Every year I update this list of my 300 Favorite Albums, as proof that my taste gets more and more exquisite...
The 10 Best Britpop Albums...According To An Indifferent Yank!
Celebrating the 30ish anniversary of a brief commercial uptick in British rock outreach.
Blurbing For The Weekend 4/12/24
A discussion of two chords (and an implied third), as well as reviews of two thrillers (and an implied third).
Blurbing For The Weekend 4/5/24
A bunch of blurbs about spooky stuff on streaming, and a probationary return of Brad Pitt to my TV.
Blurbing For The Weekend 3/29/24
Last week I rewatched Alien like I'd never seen it before, and barely made it through anything else.
Anthony's Album Guide: R.E.M., pt. 2
In which R.E.M. goes mega-platinum and college-rocks the entire world.