Ten Old Gene Hackman Movies I Really Want To See
Looking back on an impressive career full of movies I still need to look back on.
Anthony's Album Guide: The Fall, pt. 1
LOOK UNDER...to read about The Fall's fiery first decade! Featuring more good albums than years!
Blurbing For The Weekend 2/21/25
I genuinely can't remember if I watched a Blade movie before this week. The other movies blurbed I've definitely seen more than once.
Anthony's MCU Binge: Phase Three, Part One!
I can’t say for certain these six films represent the best batch of MCU movies. But, the odds are looking good…
Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame Nominees 2025: My Picks
Celebrating ten years of telling you who really belongs on a wall in Cleveland.
Blurbing For The Weekend 2/7/25
Catching up on the popular thrillers of 2024, with three I'm not entirely unimpressed by.
The 2025 Poco's Legacy Award Nominees: Franz Ferdinand
The first of hopefully several posts about musical artists returning to the record shelves in 2025, at least 20 years into the LP game. Just like Poco was in 1989.
Blurbing For The Weekend 1/24/25
Rewatching indulgent, violent, cinematic fever dreams of America in crisis that ricocheted forth from the anodyne ‘80s. Not David Lynch movies. Die Hards. I need a minute before I get to Lynch.
Anthony's Album Guide: Electric Six, pt. 1
Celebrating the first decade of a band that I long called the "crunk Roxy Music," and still do among the crunk-nostalgic.
Blurbing For The Weekend 1/17/25
Old rock that sounds new, new rock that sounds old, intergenerational horrors in rewatchable movies…